Raipur, India
A new eco-residential township on a gently rolling 300-acre site, north of Raipur airport.
Location: Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Client: DBH Township LLP
Architect: Morphogenesis
The site provided many interesting landscape elements around which we created engaging and lively public spaces for residents. The existing nallahs were extended to include natural boulders, waterside planting and structural plantations by using check dams to control the flow of water and retain pools of water after the Monsoon. These spaces will be enjoyed yearly through footpaths, cycle ways and boardwalks that provide links from the adjoining residential clusters to the Eco-Fingers.
The Eco-Fingers provide a green oasis running around the edge of the development, with no access for cars to spoil the experience. This ‘green belt’ also includes shade structures and seating, outdoor gym equipment, adventure playgrounds and bird watching posts.
The central cluster spines become 12 metre wide linear parks, with distinctive trees, planting, paving materials and lighting – 6 metre wide roads at either side of 3 metre wide footpaths/bioswales either side of the roads. Each north-south access route will have a range of columnar trees, with different species chosen for each cluster to give it its own special character.